Our Family History

The Genealogy of Casavant&Lauzon Family

Surname List: Begins with H


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All surnames beginning with H, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Hachar (1)
2. Haguin (1)
3. Halary (1)
4. Halay (1)
5. Ham Chausse (5)
6. Hamel (20)
7. Hamelin (1)
8. Han Chausse (16)
9. Han dit Chausse (14)
   10. Hans Chausse (1)
11. Hanseon (1)
12. Haquin (1)
13. Hardy (1)
14. Hatanville (1)
15. Hebert (7)
16. Hedouin (2)
17. Henault (2)
18. Heneault (2)
   19. Henngrave (2)
20. Herd (1)
21. Hervet (1)
22. Heve (19)
23. Hevey (21)
24. Hevey (Eve) (14)
25. Hevey-Heve (4)
26. Hoe Jolicoeur (2)
27. Hogue (8)
   28. Hostecki (1)
29. Hostin Marineau (1)
30. Houde (7)
31. Houde Debellefeuille (1)
32. Houle Leclerc (1)
33. Hubert (2)
34. Hubert dit Lacroix (1)
35. Hubou (1)
36. Hubou dit De Longchamp (3)
   37. Hubou dit Deslongchamps (1)
38. Huet Dulude (1)
39. Hunault (1)
40. Hunault Deschamps (1)
41. Huot (4)
42. Hurtubise (1)

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